Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,
for such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14
- Grade 1 - 6 children have the opportunity to celebrate together with their families in the service for about 15-20 minutes. Upon dismissal, the children go with their teachers to their classroom and are led by a fantastic team of securely screened volunteers, who have a passion for sharing and displaying the love of God to children.
Our passionate desire is to help kids experience the love of Jesus. We do this by engaging with God's written word, not just by reading it, but by immersing our kids in it! This is done through conversations, questions, games, art, team challenges, and fun. We want to help our kids become deeply rooted in God's word and fall in love with Jesus.
They will also be served an allergy-aware snack – PLEASE make teachers and assistants aware of any allergies.