West Vancouver Baptist Church
West Vancouver Baptist Church is live
The Best Message Ever
Dr. Ken Radant
Dr. Ken Radant
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Order of Service
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Prelude Worship Song:           Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Welcome & Testimony:          Neil Bell

Worship Songs:                         Holy! Holy! Holy!
                                                      Holy Holy Holy (Saviour And King)

Prayers of the People:            Pastor Ken Radant

Notices:                                      Pastor Ken Radant

100th Anniversary Video:     A Retrospective

Worship Songs:                        Shine Jesus Shine

Testimony:                                What God has been doing in my life at Duchess Ave?

Greeting Video:                        Rob Ogilvie, CBWC Executive Minister                                                    

Testimony:                                What God has been doing in my life at BSF?

Scripture Reading:                  1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (NIV)

Devotion:                                   Pastor Ken Radant

                                                     Best Message Ever

Offertory:                                  Holy Forever

Blessing:                                    Pastor Ken Radant