West Vancouver Baptist Church
West Vancouver Baptist Church is live
The Spirit in the Body
Dr. Ken Radant
Dr. Ken Radant
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Order of Service
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Prelude:                              Reign In Us
Welcome:                           Neil Bell
Opening Praise:               No Longer Slaves
                                             Be Unto Your Name
Prayers for the People:  Pastor Ken Radant
tices:                              Pastor Ken Radant
Special Music:                   Dennis Tymoshenko
Worship Song:                  Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
                                             Sovereign Over Us
Scripture Reading:          1 Corinthians 12:1-7, 12-14, 27 (NIV)
Message:                            Pastor Ken Radant
                                             “The Spirit in the Body
Offertory:                          All Creatures Of Our God And King
Blessing:                            Pastor Ken Radant