The world is a confusing place!
- "We have the truth!" some say.
- Yet Others: "There is no truth."
- Depression has skyrocketed since 1950
Other things that add to confusion
- Multi-tasking
- Broken Promises
John 17:14-18
- Jesus says we are to be in the world, but not participate in its unbiblical values.
How? "By looking up"
- God does not produce confusion, but peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33
- 1 Corinthians 2:12, 16
Romans 8:26-29
- Confusion leaves us weak, but God's Spirit prays in and with us, leading us forward.
- Confidence in God's sovereignty, even in difficult scenarios
- God is shaping us to become more like Jesus, but we settle for much less.
- We pursue limited successes. God seeks our eternal success and will not let us go.
2 Kings 6:15-17
- The prophet Elisha's servant, Gehazi, had to learn to see things from God's perspective.
- Keep looking up.
- 有人说“我们有真理!”
- 但也有人说:“根本没有什么真理。”
- 自1950年以来,抑郁症的发病率不断蹿升
- 一心多用
- 不守承诺
- 耶稣说我们要活在这个世界上,但不要迎合这世界上不合圣经的价值观。
- 神不是叫人混乱,乃是叫人安静。哥林多前书14:33
罗马书 8:26-29
- 困惑使我们软弱,但圣灵在我们里面为我们代祷,带领我们前进。
- 即使在困难的情况下,也要对上帝的主权充满信心。
- 上帝塑造我们,让我们变得更像耶稣,但我们却愿意为了蝇头小利而苟且。
- 我们追求的是有限的成功。上帝要我们拥有永恒的成功,祂不让我们偏离。
列王纪下 6:15-17
- 先知以利沙的仆人基哈西要去学习如何从上帝的视角看待事物。
- 我们要做的只是举目仰望。