
Acts 2:36-41 NLT
God's Compelling Witness

God's Compelling Witness

What were the factors which lead to the phenomenal growth of the Church in the first three centuries - from a small sect of Judaism to the official faith of the Roman Empire?  

They saw themselves as a citizen of a New Society, a Heavenly Kingdom (a colony of heaven here on earth) and Jesus was their King, not Caesar.  

This was their identity.  Christianity introduced the concept that you chose your faith, regardless of your race or social status.

Six unique 'identity features' together helped to transform the Roman world.

  1. The new society brought people together from every strata of society
  2. This new society practiced forgiveness and reconciliation
  3. This new society cared for the poor and the suffering
  4. This new society believed in the sanctity of life
  5. This new society was sexually counterculture
  6. This new society enjoyed a friendship with God