
Acts 8: 4-8 and 14-17
The Power of a United Witness

The Power of a United Witness

Boundaries are important.  In the Christian life, these boundary pieces are called values.

Let's look at the big picture of what God wants to accomplish.  So, what exactly is God's overarching plan for mankind?

According to the scriptures, God's great plan is to draw all nations of the world together and to create one community of faith where people care for each other and glorify Him.

The book of Acts is the historical fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham - to bless all the nations of the world through him.  God called the Jewish people to Himself not because He loved them more than any other nation in the world.  He chose them for mission.   He chose them to represent Him in the world.

But the Jewish people failed to live up to their calling.  Instead of influencing the other nations, the other nations influenced them.  They abandoned their allegiance to Yahweh and adopted the values and the lifestyle of their pagan neighbours.

God did not wash His hands of them.  Instead, he promised to forgive their disobedience and to send a Messiah who would enable them to fulfill His purpose.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.
And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8