Can we trust God to Lead?
Respond to the call of God!
All across Canada God is doing a new thing. He is closing churches down. At the same time, He is raising up new international congregations composed primarily of new immigrants. There is a spiritual hunger amongst new immigrants for an authentic relationship with God. New immigrants are crying out: “Please come over here and help us.”
The question is how will we, as a church, respond to this new Mesopotamian call? What is God calling us to do?
The demographics of the North Shore have changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Today, West Vancouver is a multi-cultural and multi-racial community.
The temptation will be to maintain what we have been doing; to work harder at keeping the traditional programs of our churches running.
We are a different community today and what worked in the past doesn’t work today. The mission doesn’t change but the call of God does. And the new populace on the North Shore is calling to us: “Come over here and help us!” But we will be tempted to hang on to the past and try to resurrect the glory days of old.
to succeed in this paradigm shift we will need a spiritual revival and a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of the living God.
In my mind, this will entail three things.
- A Commitment to Enthrone Jesus as Lord.
- A Fresh Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- A Renewed Commitment to Mission.
- First of all, we must enthrone Jesus as Lord of our lives
- Secondly, we need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- Thirdly, we need a renewed commitment to mission