What a Powerful Name it Is
I. Introduction
II. A quick overview
III. Two key themes: power, and the name of the Lord Jesus
In scene 1 (vv. 1-7) Disciples of John the Baptist
- Power for Christian living is related to receiving, understanding, and embracing the Christian message
In scene 2 (vv. 8-12) Extraordinary miracles
- This wasn’t the norm
- God is the one doing the miracles
- Miracles were connected to teaching ministry
In scene 3 (vv. 13-16) The shaming of the sons of Sceva
- The power of Jesus’ name has nothing to do with magical words we pronounce, and everything to do with our relationship to Jesus
In the summary (vv. 17-20) The name of Jesus was honoured
- Fear and honor
- “Thus according to power the word of the Lord grew and was strong”
IV. So what?
- There is always power in a healthy Christian faith
- That power is sometimes miraculous, but always life-transforming
- We correctly speak of power “in Jesus’ name”
- “In Jesus’ name” is about relationship, representation, and reputation