
Selected guidance from Proverbs 26-27
A Word to the Wise - Lessons from Proverbs

Blessed Are the Peaceable

  1. Introduction: peaceability
  2. Selected guidance from Proverbs 26-27
Things peaceable people do: 
    • They are honest, transparent (27:5-6_
    • They help others grow (27:17)
    • They are pleasant and constructive (27:9)
    • They are protective (27:18)
    • They take praise well (27:21)
Things peaceable people do not do:
    • Praise themselves (27:2)
    • Lie and flatter (26:28)
    • Fake friendship (26:23-26
    • Gossip (26:20, 22)
    • Quarrel easily (26:21, 27:15-16)
    • Hold jealousy (27:4)
    • Meddle (26:17)
    • Abandon (27:16)
    • Annoy and aggravate (27:3)
    • Speak foolishly (16:18-19, 27:14)

      3.  Peaceability is not an option

    • For love and unity
    • For witness
    • For followers of Jesus

      4.  Conclusion