
Proverbs 30:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, 24-28
Hard Proverbs

Hard Proverbs

I.           Introduction: hard proverbs?

II.         Types and examples

  • Observations without application (13:7, 14:13, 20:14)
  • Descriptions of unfairness in the world (13:23, 14:20)
  • Harsh, awkward statements (20:26, 23:13-14, 27:15)
  • Affirmation of bribery? (17:8, 21:14)
  • Rolling the dice? (18:18)
  • Over-promising (16:7, 22:6)

III.       Why?

Why are these in the Bible?

Then again, why did God give us a Scripture at all?

  • Forces us to learn together.
  • Shapes us into learners.
  • Allows us to be part of process.
  • Equips us to give proper place to Jesus.

These proverbs help us think clearly about Scripture

We need to:  study, pay attention to style, pay attention to context and purpose

IV.      So what?