
Psalm 139: 1-10, 13-14, 23-24
Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take

I.  Introduction

II.  Truths about God

  • God knows everything
  • God is everywhere
  • God has created us and He has a purpose for us

III.  Truths - most surprising, but amazing!

IV.  Truths - for us!

V.  Responding

VI.  Reading in response

Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know it all: when I sit and rise, travel and lie still.
You know my thoughts from afar, and all my words before I ever speak them.
This is more than I can understand. It is too high for me to attain.
But it is good. I embrace it, and I worship You for it. 

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?
Nowhere. Not heaven or the grave, not east or west,
Not in deepest darkness, which is still light to You.

This is more than I can understand.
But it is good. I embrace it, and I worship You for it.

You made me in my mother’s womb.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
And all my days were written in Your book before one took place.

This is more than I can understand.
But it is good. I embrace it, and I worship You for it.
Some people hate what You are and what it means.
I won’t follow their path.

Search me, O God. Know me.
If there is any wicked way in me, find it and remove it,
And lead me in Your everlasting way.