Keeping Wisom Right-Side-Up
- Introduction
- The problem: a church divided
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters … that all of you agree with one another … and that there be no divisions among you…. Some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you.
- Root causes?
- A first reason was a misunderstanding of the nature and purpose of wisdom
- A second root beneath their division was the idea that the wisdom (and power) of the Holy Spirit are things reserved for an elite group
- Both of these misunderstandings were fueled by ego
- Paul's prescription
- God's wisdom is not designed to make anyone look good (1:18-2.5)
- The Spirit's wisdom is available to all God's people (2:6-16)
- A renewed mind
- So what?
- This matter of unity in the church is a big deal
- We need to keep returning to Jesus' "upside-down Kingdom" values
- We need to affirm the presence of the Spirit in all our brothers and sisters