Going for the Win
- Setting the stage
- What is not assumed or taught here
- First, 1 Corinthians 6 does not teach us that government, legal systems, and laws, are bad things
- Second, 1 Corinthians 6 is not teaching us that a Christian should never stand up for what is right and fair
- Three truths in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
- God gives HIs people Wisdom
- THe Spirit gives wisdom to the body
- God's wisdom is upside-down from the wisdom of the unbelieving world
- You and I need to remember this truth
- Jesus has given us practical guidelines
- The first step is to have a direct, private, personal conversation between the relevant people
- If that first step is unsuccessful, we are instructed to bring a few others into the conversation
- Finally, if no progress is made the issue comes before the church
- You and I need to remember this truth
- Jesus calls us to a higher standard
- You and I need to remember this truth
- God gives HIs people Wisdom
- Conclusion: going for the (real) win
Again and again, 1 Corinthians points us back to the proper goal: to build up the body of Christ, encouraging and helping every member, promoting unity, keeping Jesus’ values firmly in place. Doing it all in His Spirit’s strength, and for His glory.
It’s good for us to “go for the win” together as believers. May God give us grace always to remember what it really means to win, and where to find the right path to that goal.