Pastoral Thoughts for the New Year
- Opening comments
- 1 Corinthians
- We have spoken freely to you
- Personal thoughts
- Looking back over the past 12 months. It has been a privilege and a joy to serve you this year
- Thoughts about our Church
- Encouraged and Optimistic
- Warm, Friendly, Established Relationships
- Our congregation is marked by warm, friendly relationships
- The potential pitfall of exclusivist
- As we were reminded this summer, we have a strong 100-year history
- "Oh for the old days" syndrome
- "professionalization"
- Ministry workaholism
- A final pitfall relates to our commitment to multicultural ministry
- The risk we face is thinking that multicultural ministry will be easy
- Our congregation is marked by warm, friendly relationships
- Thoughts on this next year - 2025
- First, this year I hope to launch a search for an Associate Pastor of Education and Discipleship
- A few thoughts on youth and kids' ministry
- Other...
We know it was God’s design
To take us from sin, remake us within,
In Jesus His Son.
And we know, that in His time
He’ll mold and direct us, and finally perfect us
When He is done.
It’s true—we don’t know when or where we may go.
Our future we cannot see.
But whatever befalls us, we still know Who calls us,
And what He calls us to be.
And we know it was His design
To take us from sin, remake us within,
In Jesus His Son.
And we know, that in His time
He’ll mold and direct us, and finally perfect us
When He is done the work He’s begun.