
1 Corinthians 11:2-16
Heads, Head-Coverings, Headaches

Heads, Head-Coverings, Headaches

  1. A hard passage!
  2. Interpreting hard passages
    • We always need to read in context
    • We need to practice wise "weighing"
    • We need to apply the "analogy of Scripture"
    • We need to pay attention to the "strong anchor" principle
  3. Some clear context
    • Symptomatic problems with deeper issues
      • Division between parties that claim to follow Paul, Apollos, and Peter
      • A man living in sin with his stepmother
      • Members of the church suing each other
      • Whether or not to allow your virgin daughters to be married
      • Whether it's okay to eat food sacrificed in pagan temples
    • Known errors and sins in Corinth
    • Sensitivity to the scruples of others
    • Submission is an essential Christian quality
    • Creation as an essential fact
  4. So then, in 1 Corinthians 11
  5. So what?
    • First, we need to honour what God has created
    • Second, we need to pay attention to the signals we send
    • Finally, we all need to be good submitters