West Vancouver Baptist Church Mandarin Ministry has been active for more than 25 years. It conducts weekly bible studies and organizes bi-weekly fellowships to reach out to the Mandarin-speaking community living on the North Shore.
With the appointment of an interim Mandarin pastor in November 2022, participants now have the option to listen to the sermon delivery in mandarin. Everyone will join the Sunday service in the main sanctuary for a combined time of worship. After the offertory, attendees who wish to listen to the sermon in mandarin are requested to move to the stage room. There the Sunday service will continue in mandarin.
西温浸信会中文事工已有25多年的历史了。我们每周都有查经班,并且在每两周组织一次中文团契,以便接触到更多生活在北岸的中文民众。 随着临时中文牧师的任命,参与者现在可以选择聆听中文的讲道。 每个主日礼拜参与者,先集合在主圣所共同敬拜。 奉献后,希望用中文听道的,请移步到stage room。 周日敬拜将在那以中文继续进行。