Hi everyone!
I’m looking at the calendar and realizing that we’re now almost exactly 1 month away from our 100th Anniversary bash on September 15. From what I hear, plans are coming together well. Many thanks to all who have volunteered to help with the party, along with those who’ve been gathering information, preparing displays, locating and editing videos, and doing all the other things that help us to mark the occasion. I’m excited about the events to come. In the meantime, I’m hoping this entire season is marked by thankfulness to God for His faithfulness to our church over the years.
On the subject of remembering our history, did you know … that (at least by my count) WVBC has had 14 pastors from its inception as a mission in 1921 to the present. That’s not including a good number of interim pastoral leaders who’ve helped us over transitions. My list of names includes pastors Bonney, Long, Humphreys, McKay, Jessop, Barton, Patch, Cram, Archer, Roxburgh, Bahr, Quek, Schoeber, and Radant. To these, of course, we could add quite a few individuals who’ve served as assistant and associate pastors and directors for various areas of ministry at the church.
I’m grateful to God for every one of these individuals. If we had a lot more time and much better research than I can provide, I know we could produce many stories of the ways God prepared each individual (and family), how He led them to West Vancouver Baptist, how their unique gifts and contributions shaped and built the church, how this time of ministry fit into a lifetime of service for them, and how God guided our congregation through the transitions as He brought one, then another to us and then led them on to other things when the time was right. I’m pretty sure we’d be encouraged by all the stories if we were able to track them down. Some would make us smile and laugh. Some would be punctuated with tears—because ministry often goes hand-in-hand with burdens to carry. All of them would point us to Jesus, who is both the reason we serve and the reason we’re able to do so.
Today, many of the stories are too far in the past to be recovered and told. Perhaps we’ll have opportunities to share some that our community can still remember in the coming days. I like to think that during the endless years that will mark eternity together with our Lord and with each other, we’ll be able to gather and share about God’s goodness for our church and its leaders—and that will be a lot of fun!
In Ephesians 4 we’re told that one of the gifts Jesus gives to His church are people called and equipped to play various leadership roles. This goes far beyond the small circle we call “pastors,” of course. But it certainly includes them. I’m grateful that our Lord gifts His church with people to lead and serve, and for all the ways they contribute to the growth of the body. Though I’ve only known a few of the folk in our church’s list of pastors, I’ve appreciated their ministry. Reading through these names has been a reminder that we have been blessed by a wonderful string of gifted preachers, teachers, and leaders over the years. May God continue to raise up all the leaders needed to help our community as we grow and serve together here on the North Shore.
On the subject of being encouraged by things God has done in the past, this coming Sunday we’re going to be looking at Psalm 107, which is a delightful celebration of God’s goodness and of His fondness for saving and helping those in need. It’s a lengthier psalm than the last couple, so you may want to take a little time to read through it and ponder its message in the coming days leading up to our worship together.
May it be an occasion for us all to remember that, in addition to the good things God has done for WVBC over the past 100 years, He has also helped and blessed each of us on an individual level, and He deserves praise and thanks for all His goodness. May we have many opportunities to share stories of His faithfulness as we live and worship together.
Richest blessings, and have a wonderful week.