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Thoughts from a Volunteer - Judy Thompson

Isn’t it refreshing to have some cooler weather for a few days?  Yesterday and today in the Church Office we opened up the doors and let the breeze flow through, didn’t turn on the air conditioner. Every once in awhile the breeze would sweep through the doors, it was like the touch of Gods love in the office cooling us as we worked.

As many of you know, we hired Fiona Chan as the new Office Administrator.  I have enjoyed getting to know her while showing her the ropes.  She is very talented and a quick learner! We took a walk about around the facilities, going in the electrical room, scoping out the furnace room, checking out the Walk to Bethlehem costumes, going through the Adult Lounge, and into the CE Wing.  We are truly blessed with a beautiful location and facilities.  Facilities that are needing a refresh, like a cleansing breeze.  It takes a lot of work to keep the Sanctuary, the offices, and the Adult Lounge and CE Wing working.

Which reminds me of the wonderful sermon that Larry Schram shared with us, not knowing that our Treasurer, Richard Douglas would share and challenge us regarding our donations to the church.  It blended so well, you knew that the Holy Spirit was speaking to us.  “When you believe and act in obedient faith you will see what God can do. Will you act in faith and see what God can do, or will you give way to your rationalism and fears?” It’s hard to be obedient, we want to do everything ourselves we don’t want to follow the rules.  I learned a long time ago that God will provide what we need when we follow him in faith and yes, obedience.

I’m the Envelope Secretary, the person who records your tithes, offerings and donations.  Everything is confidential, I don’t share how much you give to anyone; the Pastor, the members on Council or the Finance Committee.  That is why the white envelopes are so important.  They only have your number whether you use cheques or cash, I don’t make any judgments on what you give or don’t give.  This is between you and God.  What is God asking of you?

We have several areas around the facilities that need or will need attention.  We are planning a 100th Anniversary on September 15 this year.  We’ve been asking for help, and have had a few responses, but we need more hands to make this successful, we especially need a coordinator. As you heard last Sunday, we are not making our budget quota, we are behind.  We are asking for your support for this celebration; we hope to receive $4,500 for the Anniversary. There will be special envelopes available this coming Sunday.  I’m excited to see what God will do amongst us!