Personally, I want to thank each one of you for your faithful support of our church and ministry here at West Vancouver Baptist.
One of our core values as a church over the years has been generosity. Once again this was demonstrated in your spontaneous response to our call to help those around the world struggling just to put food on the table. On Easter Sunday we took up a special offering that exceeded $10,000. Thank you so much.
As your Transition Pastor my main focus is to bring us together under a clear vision so that we speak with one voice and respect each other’s diversities, giftings, and passions, as we work together to represent Christ in our world. I’m reminded of the words of the song: “They will know we are Christians by our Love.”
My focus right now is to move the church from survival mode to a proactive mode, where we begin to train and equip God’s people for works of ministry - a team of people all pulling in the same direction for the glory of God. I’m so thankful for the love and support which both Marleen and I feel.
This Sunday, I’m going to begin a series of messages from the Book of Acts. We sometimes refer to the Book of Acts as the “Acts of the Apostles” but it would probably be more accurate to call it “The acts of the ascended Christ, through the Apostles, as they are empowered by the Holy Spirit.”
In other words, Jesus continues to build God’s kingdom here on earth from the throne room of Heaven. I will unpack the story of Jesus’ Ascension from Acts1:1-11. Please take time to read this passage and ask God to speak to you.
May each of us experience the renewing present, comfort, and power of the Holy Spirit.
Our library closed when COVID arrived and we have been unable to reopen due to a lack of volunteers. If you are interested in taking on the running of the library please reach out to Tracey at the office ( ). Training is available. If we are unable to find volunteers we will be forced to close the library.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.