First of all, I want to ask you to pray for Norman Archer whose wife, companion, lover, friend, and co-worker entered into the presence of her Lord last Saturday.
When I graduated from seminary and became a Pastor in the CBWC Norman and Mary were a couple who welcomed us warmly. They led by example. Norman was a visionary leader, a storyteller who had the wonderful ability to connect with people and make the scriptures come alive. His wife Mary was warm and creative. They were wonderfully hospitable. Their love and devotion and respect for each other was evident to all. They made you feel loved and cherished.
A memorial service will be held here for Mary in early September. We are still working out some of the details. We will keep you informed as soon as we move ahead.
This Sunday I plan to speak on Acts 11:1-18 which deals with the controversial conversion of Cornelius, the Roman Centurion stationed in the port city of Caesarea. The title of my message this week is: “Catching up with the Spirit.”
From Monday Marleen and I will be away on a two-week holiday. This will enable us to relax together and celebrate the celebration of 59 years of marriage. We would appreciate your prayers as we get away together.
We will be praying for the church and for the many pastoral needs of so many of our people. I want you to know how much I appreciate you.
May God draw near to you and reassure you that He has heard your prayers.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.