I was moved deeply by the service last Sunday when we witnessed a young man declare his commitment to Jesus through the waters of baptism. Alireza has only been in Canada for a few weeks but during this time he came to faith and wanted to be baptized as quickly as possible. Surrounded by friends he gave his testimony of faith in Jesus. His love for Jesus brought many of us to tears. And as we laid hands on him to receive the Holy Spirit the Spirit fell upon him in a visible way. Please continue to pray for him.
This week I am looking forward to introducing a young man, Yihan, who formed a non-profit society called “Youthful Hands” which is run by trained young people to help seniors in our community. This team of young people is being trained by Ken Davis. This is a great example of people using their gifts to help others which leads perfectly to what I will be speaking about this Sunday.
We will be looking at Acts 9:32-43, where Peter heals Aeneas and Dorcas uses her gift as a seamstress to care for widows in her community. I want us to see how God uses both the extraordinary and the ordinary to build his Kingdom.
We all are gifted. The challenge is to trust God to spread the Good News of His love using the gifts He has put in our hands. How do we do this?
We don’t need to wait until we have enough, time, resources, experience, or knowledge. Rather we start where we are planted and use what God has given us and learn as we go along.
I would encourage you to invite God to show you whom He would like you to bless with the resources He has placed in your hands.
Enjoy the journey!
Following the service, we will be enjoying a light lunch together in the courtyard. We hope to see you there!
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.