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Message from Pastor Bob

This week Marleen and I will be flying into Calgary for a few days. Marleen will have a chance to get together with our son Leon and his wonderful wife Tanis and two of our three grandchildren; Violet and Oscar.

Meanwhile, I will be one of our four church delegates who will attend the annual assembly of our denomination. Please pray for Don Hill, Nancy Lee, Ken Davis, and myself as we represent our church.

This Sunday Tom Walker will be preaching from Acts 4:23-31. The title of his message is “Life in the Spirit.” Tom will be challenging us to allow the Spirit to make a positive and encouraging impact on the lives of others.

My experience is that those times when I have been most encouraging to others have taken me by surprise. It’s when we are simply being ourselves that God turns around and uses us in remarkable ways. But the more we try to impress the less impressive we really are. So, let me encourage us all to slow down and to be really present with God and others. “Are you tired? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

“Lord help me to relax and enjoy your company in the daily routines of my life. I must confess I’m often so driven and so uptight that I’m not aware of my surroundings and certainly not sensitive to those around me. Help us to be really present with You and others. Amen.” 

Special Announcements

This concert is being held at the Evangelical Chinese Bible Church, 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby. Admission is free, and donations are appreciated. 

“Each movement brings together divergent biblical passages illustrating the journey from the life, glory, and peace of the created order, through the lament of the exiled wanderers, to the Good Shepherd who is our peace, and His suffering, and to our final promised dwelling place in the Garden of Joy yet to come” Our lovely Ada Chang will be performing so, please consider going to support her.  Invitations are available at the information table in the Narthex.  More information can be found HERE 

On Sunday, June 11 at 11:30 am, following our morning service, we invite you to join us in the WVBC Memorial Garden for a dedication ceremony.  (The garden is located in the upper northwest portion of the church property).  This area has been set aside as a place where our members and their immediate family can place the ashes of their loved ones. It is intended to be a quiet place for reflection for family members and friends.  (For details on procedures and policies surrounding the use of this area please contact the office).  Please bring your own picnic lunch and lawn chairs and stay after the dedication ceremony to enjoy a BYO picnic together on the field.  (Tents will be put up to supply shaded areas for those who would prefer not to be in direct sunshine).