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Pastor's Message

Gail, Debra, and I had a wonderful time in Israel. Our tour was ably led by Rev. Jorge Sedaca of Chosen People Ministries, and Tali Abadi, an Israeli guide. We visited most of the key sites such as Mt. Carmel, the Garden Tomb, and Capernaum. I found the visit to the Western (‘Wailing’) Wall particularly meaningful. As our Israeli guide, herself a Messianic Jew, said, ‘you can pray anywhere, but from here you can make a local call’ (it was a joke).

I’m sure that many of you have also enjoyed places such as Masada, and the Dead Sea where a ‘swim’ takes on a totally different meaning. The tour group was also an extremely convivial group. But it’s also great to be back in fellowship at WVBC.

Many thanks for your prayers and for Pastor Bob Bahr’s support during our time away. 

Special Announcements

Notice of a Budget Meeting:  a general meeting will be held after the morning worship service on Sunday, December 4, 2022, in the Sanctuary to consider and vote on the proposed 2023 church budget.  In preparation, an informal budget chat will also be held after the worship service on Sunday, November 27, 2022, in the Sanctuary and everyone is encouraged to attend.  

On December 4, 2022, the following motion will be considered “Motion to approve the 2023 budget. Moved by Don Hill and seconded by Tom Walker that the proposed 2023 budget as presented at this meeting be approved.” If you will be attending the business meeting on December 4 via Livestream, you may vote on the “Chat” function. 

The budget can be received via email by contacting the office.

Baptism Classes:  there’ll be a baptism service on December 18. If you are considering baptism, classes are starting this Sunday, November 20 at 9am in the Adult Lounge, and will run for 3 weeks (November 20, 27, and December 4). For further information contact the office.

Silent Auction:  The auction for the painting kindly donated by Michael Wei will conclude on November 27. Proceeds will go to the Canadian Red Cross’ Ukraine initiative.

Offering Envelopes

For those who donate during the service and don’t have numbered envelopes please contact the office so we can provide them for you.  If you have the white numbered envelopes there is no need to give us your name or address on the envelope.  If you do not have a number, please include your address so we can issue some for you.

Also, you will notice that there are several different coloured envelopes in the pews.  The yellow ones are for the Benevolence Fund, and the blue ones are replacing the brown envelopes (General Fund, Missions), which are no longer available – but we are using them until they are gone.  Thank you for your support of our ministry.