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Message from the Pastor - Bob Bahr

Last Sunday was a fabulous time of worship and fellowship. It was great to be able to connect with so many new people who are exploring the possibility of making West Vancouver Baptist their church home. Numbers are not everything but last Sunday we had the largest turnout of worshippers in more than 8 years. And as I looked out over the congregation, I was moved by the diversity of those in attendance. Truly we are becoming a church for all nations which has been our vision and dream. Thank you, Lord.

We also had someone decide to become a follower of the Lord Jesus for the first time.

Personally, I was blessed by the number of volunteers who rolled up their sleeves to set up and clean up so that we could enjoy a fabulous time of interaction and fellowship over a courtyard barbecue. Thank you.

I was also moved by the affection which many of you expressed towards both Marleen and myself. As your transition Pastor, I’m excited about what God has for us in the future.

This Sunday will mark a new milestone for us as a church. For years Jane Sidjak has been our faithful Sunday School Coordinator but serious health issues forced her to take early retirement, please continue to pray for her. As a result, we have had to rely on a handful of faithful volunteers to do their best to care for our children on Sunday morning.

One person whom I want to thank particularly is Shabnam Rashid who has been in the Sunday school classroom, often on her own, on most Sundays over the past year. We are grateful for her consistent and behind-the-scenes commitment.

Over the summer we have been refurbishing our children’s Sunday school space with the goal of hiring a new Sunday School Director with the training and ability to direct a Community Choir. Impossible! To my amazement, this has become a reality.

This Sunday Kenny Chi Hong Ho will be joining our pastoral team. Kenny has a great resume and the gifts and training to do both these tasks. We have also assembled a small team of volunteers who will be working alongside him. It will be my privilege to introduce him and his fiancé to the church this Sunday during our time of worship.

Also this Sunday I want to reflect on the importance of prayer in the growth and expansion of the Kingdom of God. This is often a neglect component of our life of faith. We live in a culture that places a lot of emphasis on training and education. It’s so easy to depend on our own resources to build the Kingdom of God. But, I have come to the realization that prayer is the key to the expansion and growth of the Kingdom.

For example, the impetus to send out Saul and Barnabas on the Church’s first missionary venture was birthed not in a room where people gathered to strategize about how to reach out to the world with the gospel. Rather, it was birth by the Spirit in the context of worship, fasting, and prayer.

“One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.” Acts 13:2-3 NLT

So, this Sunday I want to unpack the story found in Acts 12:1-24. Please read through this passage and ask God to pour out His Spirit on us as we gather together this Sunday.

May the living God fill you with joy in believing.


Special Announements


A General Meeting of WVBC will be held on October 1, 2023, after the morning service, to consider and vote on the updated Mission, Vision, and Values Statement. The following resolution will be presented. Moved by Tom Walker, seconded by Nancy Lee that the members of WVBC approve the updated Statement on Mission, Vision, and Values.


The Casual choir is restarting.  Practises will take place in the Sanctuary 15 minutes after the service on Sundays and will last about 30 minutes.  Returning and new members of all ages are welcome. Word sheets, music scores & rehearsal links are available. Call the office for Leanne Roy's contact information for songs in advance.