A writer in a magazine once wrote ‘Our eight-year-old son was lounging and reading on the couch one morning when he discovered a new word. "What does ponder mean?" Not sure when I last used that word, I wished for a dictionary. If you don't nail the odd impromptu definition perfectly, you always hear about it later—and regret it! So, I told him, "Ponder means you're wondering or thinking about things. Like, you might say, 'I'm pondering the meaning of life.'"
Too late, I realized my mistake. Mentioning "the meaning of life" would only lead into one of those twisty, theological discussions where I have to finish the discussion by saying, "I don't know; it's a mystery!" But to my humbled surprise, my son was way ahead of me. "I already know what the meaning of life is," he said. "It's to love God!"
55+: Mike Little, Mayor of the District of North Vancouver, will be our speaker at the lunch on Friday, October 21. He’ll be discussing issues particularly relevant to seniors, and there’ll be time for questions and answers. You can register under EVENTS on our website. The last day to sign up is Monday, October 17.
H20: continues on Wednesday, October 5 at 7pm in the Fireside room. What is H20? Well, water of course. It’s an opportunity for those unfamiliar with the gospel of Christ to openly consider – or maybe even drink of – the Living Water, Jesus Christ. It’s also an opportunity for Christians to reaffirm their basic beliefs. If you have any questions, call Pastor Chris at 778-987-8102 or register (Free) on the EVENTS page.
WVBC Choir: People of all ages are invited to join a WVBC casual choir. We want to bring the church community together with our love of singing praises to God. We will begin simply and learn songs in different styles to sing occasionally on Sunday. Meet today in the Fireside Room from 11:30 to 12:25 for rehearsal. If you have questions, please mail Email wvbcChoir@outlook.com.
Council Email: if you have any thoughts for Council, please send them to a special Email we’ve created council@westvanbaptist.com. This will be reviewed on a regular basis.