He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters.
Psalm 23:2
Daytime and nighttime, wakefulness and sleep, workday and weekend, motion and stillness, labour and rest – life has a rhythm, impressed into earthly existence when the clay was still wet. God himself rested after labouring six days to make the world, and he declared a Sabbath for his people.
Still, sometimes we dismiss the restful side of the equation. “If I just skip lunch, go to bed later and work through the weekend, I can get so much more done.” It doesn’t work, or at least not for long. The ‘always-on’ lifestyle is likely to be switched off prematurely.
Nothing is wrong with hard work, of course. After all, Jesus pushed himself pretty hard to meet the needs of the people who came to him. But he also made time to get away for prayer and escape the press of the crowds.
Rest times can become special times of worship. In our leisure, we can turn our focus on God with a concentration not possible amid the distractions of our busy days. Worship, in fact, can become an aid in our resting.
Times are coming when we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Let us settle gratefully in the meadows, with God, while we have them.
As you go through your daily routines, maybe try and find ways to schedule ‘mini-Sabbath’ times with the Lord. Take a break. Sit and reflect upon God. Let this time renew and refresh you today, and – see you on Sunday.