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Pastor's Message - Chris Kibble

67 Baptisms It was our privilege to host our sister CBWC church, Emmanuel Iranian Church, on Monday. Fred Peter and I watched as 67 candidates were baptized by Pastor Arash Azad.

It was a warm and joyful occasion. Fred had kindly prepared a lovely memento picture for each candidate. In my dreams, I somehow thought that this wonderful number of candidates had been generated by my January 9 baptism sermon – but no! Congratulations Emmanuel Church. You’ll always be welcome. 


Please note that Friday is Pastor Chris' day off, though he is always available in emergency situations.

Special Announcements

Mandarin Men's Bible Study: The Men's Mandarin Fellowship is meeting immediately after the Sunday service in the Adult Lounge. For more information click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Wyldlife is a pre-teen youth group (9-12 ages) held by Young Life North Shore and Highway Church. The next Wyldlife pre-teen clubs will be held at Memorial Community Center, until Spring Break. They are located in the Capilano Room, a large multi-purpose room located on the ground floor of the building. See Michael Ames for more information.

The next Wyldlife Club is set for this Friday, January 21. The event starts: 6:15pm; Event End: 7:30pm. Location Address: 123 East 23rd Street, North Vancouver, BC V7N 2L3. Please note that masks will be worn. RSVP to 

Memorial Service for Jeanette Bogdanow will be held on Saturday, January 29 at 1pm.  All are welcome, but the service will be limited to those who are vaccinated.  This service will also be available on the church website on Livestream. 

Treasurer: we are still seeking a Treasurer to replace Don Hill in April.  May we encourage you to suggest names to Mary Roberts.  Call the office for her contact information.

Livestream:  We are thankful to be able to provide the Sunday Morning Service on our website through live streaming technology. 

We are working to learn more and improve the live service each week.  We have added a LIVE STREAM link on the menu bar (top far right) to access the live stream.  There is a SCRIPTURE tab on the left-hand side of the video, which has the Scripture for the Day available.  We may also add an order of service at some point. 

Please note if you do not have sound, to check your computer or device settings - you may need to click on the sound icon to get sound. Also, apparently, if you login too soon (before 9:55) you may need to re-login. 

Thank you for your patience   For our Mandarin participants, you can still watch the Livestream on ZOOM to hear the translated message.  You can join using this link. 


Year-End Giving and Donations

Once the financials have been closed, we will be preparing your charitable tax receipt.  We will be sending them our by email again this year.  If you didn’t receive one by email last year, please send us your email address to  The charitable tax receipts will be available most likely in mid-February.  Thank you for your tithes and offerings in 2021.