Marlene Kropf, US professor in spiritual formation, writes ‘In the daily round of life, dust and cobwebs accumulate in our souls. The hidden corners of our hearts become encrusted with grime or filled with forgotten debris.
During the weeks of Lent, God's Spirit is given opportunity to clear away the clutter, sweep away the dust and wash us clean. We are invited to prepare ourselves—heart, soul, mind, and body—for the new life of Easter.'
Easter Community Event – Saturday, April 16, 2022: we’d like to invite young families and children to a community event at the church on Easter Saturday. We’ll start proceedings at 10.00 a.m. and activities will include an Easter Egg hunt, an Easter story, crafts, and games. We’ll be providing lunch too. Invite friends and families, and grandparents and grandchildren are equally welcome! All can sign up on our church website under ‘Events’. And if you’d like to help, that would be great - you can also sign up on the church website in the same place We’re looking forward to a really enjoyable event. For further information, please contact Esther Chu at, Michael Ames at, or Les Nasserden at
In the Sanctuary to consider and vote on the contents of the 2021 Annual Report, to elect Councillors, and a Nominating Committee member and to make a By-law amendment.
For Council: Debra Ames, Les Nasserden, Ken Radiant, and Joanna Roork (second 3-year term). For Nominating Committee: Alison Campbell.
Notice of proposed By-law change to be voted on at the WVBC AGM on March 27, 2022. As the Nominating Committee has so far been unable to fill the position of Treasurer (Don Hill’s second term expires at the 2022 AGM), Council proposes the following By-law amendment: By-law 3.I – Elected Positions. That an additional paragraph, number 7, be added as follows: “In the event that no qualified candidate can be found to fill the Treasurer’s position, the Treasurer’s term may be extended for a further year. Should a candidate be found during that year, that person may take the Treasurer’s position on Council, may stand for election at the next AGM, and would be eligible to serve two terms on Council.” The Agenda and Resolutions will be available after the church service on March 27.
Additional nomination for Council - for the March 27 2022 AGM. Virginia Jack Bell is nominating and Lindsay Forsyth is seconding Tom Walker for Council. Tom has agreed to serve if elected.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.
Membership: Council would like to warmly recommend Chunfang Yang and Huan Wang for church membership. Please advise Hilary Blair at if you have any objections.
Delegates to CBWC Assembly 2022: if you would like to be considered as a delegate to represent WVBC at the CBWC Assembly in Calgary, by all means, contact Hilary Blair. Registration fees and expenses will be reimbursed by WVBC. For further information, please see
Ukraine: Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) is headed to Poland to assess how they can meet the needs of those fleeing for safety. Additional teams are prepared to go to other surrounding countries. Their teams will work alongside local churches and ministry partners to meet the urgent needs of displaced families crossing the border into areas of Poland and other surrounding countries. You can donate on our website under NEWS. If you prefer, CBM also has a site for Ukraine Emergency Relief. Their website details are also under NEWS.