The following prayer has been attributed to a Muslim convert to Christ: ‘"O God, I am Mustafah the tailor, and I work at the shop of Muhammad. The whole day long I sit and pull the needle and the thread through the cloth. O God, you are the needle and I am the thread. I am attached to you and I follow you. When the thread tries to slip away from the needle, it becomes tangled and must be cut so it can be put back in the right place. O God, help me to follow you wherever you lead me. For I am really only Mustafah the tailor, and I work in the shop of Muhammad on the great square."
I think this is a great comment on the principle of obedience.
Missions Committee: Is sponsoring “Operation Christmas Child” again this year. Boxes will be available for pickup November 8-10, during regular office hours, 9am to 2pm. Please consider participating in sharing the Good News of the Christmas story with needy children around the world. Please drop your finished shoebox at the North Shore Alliance Church during the week of November 14-21. For more information please visit our website under EVENTS.
55+ Senior’s Ministry: there will be a luncheon on Friday, November 19, 12noon to 2pm, in the Fireside room. The topic will be “Why do we lose our balance as we age?” Our presenter is Erwin Ketterer. The presentation explains how age-related conditions or diseases can cause balance issues as we get older. There will also be helpful hints on fall risk prevention and advice on maintaining or improving balance. The cost is $10.00. please REGISTER.
Journey Home Fundraiser: This is now complete. Thank you for your contributions to assist claimant refugees settling in the Lower Mainland, we raised $3,250!
Prayer Chain and Small Group information is available under Ministries.