We are a little more than a month away from the year’s most important celebration. In just a few weeks we will reflect on the death and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus – the moment that changed everything, that has brought us hope, the epicenter of the forgiveness of sins, and the moment God began to make all things new.
In our worship services this weekend (March 5), you’ll receive a small stone to carry with you for the next number of weeks. The stone can represent a worry, a stress, a fear, a prayer request, a need for healing, or anything else that burdens you. Let the small stone remind you to pray and to lift your requests to the Lord that He would heal you/others, restore you/others, and work a miracle in you or in those that you love.
I’m praying for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit on each of you during this season. At our Good Friday service (April 7), you will have an opportunity to lay the stone at the foot of the cross. We will leave this burden at the feet of Jesus, knowing that He will continue to make all things new.
I am looking forward to worshipping Jesus with you as we journey toward Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. This Sunday, we will unpack the story of the healing of the crippled man found in John 5: 1-15. I would invite you to put yourself in this story and ask yourself the question: “What area in my life am I in need of God’s transforming grace?
Once again, I would ask for your prayers as I prepare for Sunday. In the exhortation of Pastor John, last week, may God fill you with His Spirit of Faith, Love, and Hope.
Notice of Meeting: The Annual General Meeting of West Vancouver Baptist Church will be held after the morning service on Sunday, March 26, 2023, in the Sanctuary, and on Zoom, to consider and vote on the contents of the 2022 Annual Report, and to elect a Treasurer, Councillors, Nominating Committee Members, and a Moderator.
For a list of those who have been nominated please contact the office at 604.922.0911. The Agenda and Resolutions will be in the 2022 Annual Report which will be available two weeks before the AGM.
Notice of Nomination for Moderator from WVBC members: In addition to the nominations from the Nominating Committee, and in accordance with By-law 3.J.3, the following nomination has been received by the Church Clerk as follows: For Moderator: Mary Roberts. Nominated by John E. Konrad, seconded by Robert A. Kruse Respectfully submitted by Hilary Blair, WVBC Church Clerk
Love Offering for those in Need: We are thankful for the generosity people have shown by using the Yellow Envelopes which are designated for our Benevolence Fund to support those who need assistance. We have removed the yellow envelopes from the pews and have placed them next to the offering box in the foyer. They will be available on the first Sunday of each month.
Canadian Baptist of Western Canada (CBWC): The Annual Assembly will be in Calgary June 1-3 and our church delegates will be asked to vote on four recommendations. You can view the documents online HERE.
Canadian Disaster Relief Volunteer Training: Samaritan’s Purse is offering a free one-day training session in disaster relief on March 25 at 2884 Gladys Ave, Abbotsford from 9 am – 4 pm. Carpool opportunity available.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up. Register to join an event.