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Pastor's Message - Chris Kibble

It was a delight to attend the Journey Home Community fundraiser on Wednesday night. I’ve known James Gruneau, Journey Home’s founder, for many years. And Brad Kinnie, who led Wednesday’s presentation, recently took over from James as Executive Director. From Wednesday’s presentation, it looks like Brad was a great choice!

Russ Fox and his West Vancouver Refugee team coordinated well with Journey Home staff on Wednesday. There were several poignant yet encouraging stories from refugees who have been accepted by Canada. In Deuteronomy 10:18,19 Moses tells the Israelites that our Lord ‘defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.'

If you missed the chance to give to Journey Home who does such great work supporting newly arrived refugees, please DONATE.

Special Announcements

Missions Committee: Is sponsoring “Operation Christmas Child” again this year. Boxes will be available for pickup November 8-10, during regular office hours, 9am to 2pm (November 11 is a holiday, the office will be closed). Please consider participating in sharing the Good News of the Christmas story with needy children around the world  

Volunteers needed: upon re-opening, we will need the services of volunteers to help run our Sunday services. We are looking for camera controllers, Fireside room laptop monitors, PowerPoint operators, and audio(sound) operators. Excellent training will be provided. Please contact Judy Thompson or Don Hill for more information.

Prayer Chain Small Groups