Debra Ames (second term): Debra was baptized at First Baptist Church in
Vancouver in the early ‘80s and became a member of West Vancouver Baptist in
February 2021.
She believes in the bible, nothing added and nothing is taken away, and fully
supports our current Identity Statement as it reflects God’s will.
Debra has been leading the Wednesday morning bible study group, Soul Sisters,
for over 25 years and is currently serving as the point person for Small Groups at
our church. Her involvement also includes greeting, scripture reading, and doing
the offering.
Debra served on the council this past year, filling in for the remainder of John
Weston’s term.She very much looks forward, should she be re-elected, to serving our church with
love for her fellow Christians and to the best of her ability under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
10am at West Vancouver Baptist Church or LIVESTREAM on the website or on YouTube.
Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm
Closed all stat holidays